Our product enables viewer’s choice and control, i.e. no one-size-fits-all here

When applied to the right spot (at the right time) even minor changes can have a huge impact on conversion—good or bad.

The first step in our testing process was to dive into the analytics and identify an opportunity. A so-called "friction point."

When we looked at visitor data, we identified that a lot of users were dropping off when they reached a specific "next steps" confirmation page.

This page required a user to review their chosen car, click a terms and conditions agreement radio button and then a CTA.

Prior to this screen, the users had already entered their name, email address, chosen a password and entered their address and phone number. So, in theory, there should have been very little attrition on this page as it wasn't asking the users to input any information. All we were asking was that they click a button.

The fallout represented a significant opportunity to increase throughput of the entire experience.

As the ultimate goal was to push the new copy into production, the first step in that process was to create iterative A/B tests on specific, high-friction pages to demonstrate the positive effect of this new content strategy.

This test showed immediate improvement in favor of the new design and message. We were able to determine with 99% statistical significance that we had improved the conversion rate by over 7%.

With a smashing win under our belt, we were able to move forward with the improvements to the design and content with the complete confidence of the whole organization.

The new homepage copy improved page-to-page conversion to the new car experience by double digits.

True Price Content Rewrite True Price Content Rewrite

Case Studies for Careful Perusal. Enjoy!